If your organization is on the fence between hiring an outside expert consulting firm such as Strategic Interests or managing and implementing a project using your internal resources, here are 10 things to consider:
1. Blended, Experienced Teams — our teams have multiple fields of expertise, deployed when needed for a particular project or aspect of a project. Our consultants bring with them experience working with all different types of organizations, projects and people which helps you to see around corners, predict the pitfalls and avoid mistakes.
2. Proven Tools — using our proven methodologies, you can leverage work that has already been successfully completed for others without reinventing the systems, processes and tools for the job.
3. Speed — there’s no need to pull your best people from the work they are already doing to keep your company moving forward. New employees can take months to get fully trained and comfortable with their positions. We can supplement your business as usual and keep you on track while ensuring fast deployment of your new goals — and we’re ready now!
4. Independent Objectivity — Strategic Interests has the ability to view your organization from 10,000 feet. We can see what internal teams with boots on the ground might miss on a daily basis and offer intelligent advice to improve and streamline your objectives without the internal politics that might interfere with progress.
5. New eyes — Albert Einstein said it is impossible to solve problems with the same thinking that created them. We look at your company, problems and projects with a fresh perspective and provide clarity and new thinking that leads to creative decision making.
6. Staff Cost Savings — the real cost of an employee is 1.5x – 3x their actual salary. You can hire Strategic Interests only for the hours you need without the additional HR costs like recruitment, salaries, benefits, vacations, sick time, and long-term contracts. Using our firm, you can avoid unnecessary expenses and the prospect of layoffs at the end of a project.
7. Best practices — working with multiple clients, we bring the knowledge of the best in your industry and help you assimilate these processes. We have industry relationships that we can use to make introductions, forge collaborations and negotiate cooperative alliances. We can help you uncover new opportunities, evaluate new lines of business and guide your entry into new verticals.
8. Training Augmentation — what good is new technology or processes if your staff cannot operate them? We have the experience in effective training and implementation strategies to ensure you make the most of new systems, processes and technology.
9. Gain Alignment — nothing is more efficient as when everyone is on the same page working for the same goal. We help leadership and staff understand what needs to be done and why so the entire organization can function like a well-oiled machine.
10. Change Management — we understand that change is difficult but our team has experience in effectively catalyzing change in a positive, effective and exciting way.
Strategic Interests can be a valuable member of your team to help drive and facilitate new endeavors, manage costs and uncover new opportunities. Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can work together to achieve the best results.
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