Strategic Interests’ Al Kinel and Brett Kinsler authored an article in Western New York Physician magazine discussing the ins and outs of remote cardiac rehab. See the reader below (skip to page 23) to read the article.
Throughout the course of this pandemic, a great deal of attention has been paid to testing. Most of us think of testing as a single person driving through a tented testing site and waiting a few days for their swabbed results to be returned to them. Pooled testing is no different from the tested person’s standpoint: you still have a swab test just as if you were being individually tested, but the difference is in how the lab processes the collected tests and how the results are reported.
In pooled testing, biological samples from several people are mixed together prior to analysis. If the pool is negative, a large group of people can be deemed to be negative. The advantages to doing so are several:
Performing a single pooled test can quickly and efficiently check a large sample of people for presence of COVID.
The cost of a pooled test that includes many people is substantially less than the costs of individual tests for the same number of people.
Capacity of testing increases tremendously, permitting high numbers of people to be tested frequently with much less strain on the laboratory systems.
There are several caveats to be aware of, however, that make pooled testing slightly less than perfect. When pooled testing yields a positive test, it is impossible to know which pooled specimen is positive, so they must be retested individually. This is fine if a positive test appears only infrequently of if the pool is small. Pooled testing is best used in populations where positive tests are not expected: think colleges rather than nursing homes; communities who have not seen an outbreak versus an area with a lot of COVID hospitalizations.
Strategies such as split testing can help with the work of retesting positive results. If a pooled test shows a positive, the pool samples are split in two groups and retested. If one of the splits is positive, that sample is split again and retested while the negative split is cleared. Rinse and repeat as necessary. This reduces the amount of retesting necessary and eliminates fairly large groups of negatives.
There is also the issue of false negatives, which are slightly higher in pooled tests than in individual tests due to the diluted samples in a pool. Analyzing the pooled sample more than once appears to reduce this risk, but even single tests have false negatives.
Pooled testing is an effective, efficient strategy in communities where COVID-19 is not prevalent and early detection is desired. It safes time, money, and leads to earlier control through contact tracing and quarantine. Every day people with COVID are undetected and mix with their immediate population, the risk of uncontrollable spread rises exponentially. Several of the countries who have had the most success in managing their pandemic outbreaks have relied on pooled testing and research from Israel has shown that pools of 32 samples can detect a single positive sample (with a 10% false negative rate). Greater samples, up to 64, can be detected as well but require a technique called amplification samples. The US should be leveraging the pooled methodology immediately in areas where it is applicable to improve our capacity for testing and increase the speed of detection in the community. And once there are detected positives, using a remote patient monitoring solution to track progress of those who are positive will further help extend thinning healthcare resources.
Two clients of Strategic Interests: Rochester Regional Health and the Monroe County Department of Public Health presented their experiences and best practices of COVID-19 remote patient monitoring. The webinar was recorded and is available here:
AZ HIMSS Remote Patient Monitoring for COVID-19 Webinar
SI was proud to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Monroe County – a key step in progressing our region to the highest phase of reopening in NY so far. Read the press release below:
Strategic Interests worked tirelessly with Rochester Regional Health and Datos to rapidly deploy a COVID-19 remote patient monitoring solution in under a week! See the press release below for more details…
The number of COVID-19 cases in the United States is accelerating rapidly and if you or your organization is responsible to monitor these people, you know it requires immediate efforts to practically manage patient care. Hospitals soon will be swamped with patients and we need, as much as possible, to keep the ill and those suspected to be ill at home while providing them with care and the ability to monitor them closely.
Datos, a leading digital health startup from Israel, in conjunction with Strategic Interests, a health tech consulting firm, are offering a capability to your organization to implement and begin monitoring your patients in as few as two days. The Datos Automated Remote Care Platform utilizes proven technology and is already monitoring and caring for COVID-19 and flu/virus symptomatic patients in Israel. (See the video: Datos Automated Remote Care Platform – You Tube)
Jointly we are now offering this service in the United States, at a very low cost to help our providers care for us. We prioritize community care over profits – especially at this critical time.
The Datos Automated Remote Care Platform features capabilities via our HIPAA Compliant, private cloud-based solution with a mobile app that can be private branded for your practice, IPA, health system.
Patient Monitoring
Two electronic patient reported outcome (ePro) surveys – Assessment form and daily symptoms
Clinical Data – Temperature/Blood Pressure/Pulse Oximetry
Built-in/configured reminders and automatic messages to patients
Virtual visit capabilities
Care Team – Patient Management
Fully configured COVID-19 dashboards
All patient views, sorted by alerts based on symptoms severity
Detailed statistics on vitals and symptoms, including locations updates if/when needed
Virtual visit capabilities
Strategic Interests will work with your organization/practice to implement in as few as two days. Please visit and let’s schedule a short conference call to get started. If you know of someone who can use this platform to save lives and manage scarce resources, please let them know.
Stay safe, stay home (if you can), and wash your hands.
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